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Art and Stuff
26 septembre 2011

News - 26th September 2011

News - 26th September 2011
Hello everybody! It has been a while since my last message!!!! I know, I know... I have been busy as usual! Between having a new FULL time job and the restart of school... you can imagine how hectic it can get!!! Anyway, my head stayed into my art!!!...
26 juillet 2011

My brooches

My brooches
Hello again! I'm catching up today!!! Please let me introduce you to my new brooches that are selling really well!!! £3.50 each or €5 par broche: Sold Any jewellery can be made on order! Don't hesitate to send me an email on
26 juillet 2011

My new stuff!

My new stuff!
Bonjour tout le monde! Come and see my new earrings and brooches: Fabric earrings: £5/pair or €7/pair And a shabby chic stand that I have made!!! ;o)
1 avril 2011

New line of necklaces

New line of necklaces
I have also created a new line of necklaces: Please let me know what you think:
12 mars 2011

New stuffs

New stuffs
Hello! This is two examples of my latest necklaces: Bonjour, Voila deux exemples de mes derniers colliers: They are £15 each. Ce qui fait €20 environ par collier.
7 mars 2011

Mes colliers en tissu

Mes colliers en tissu
Voila les derniers colliers et bracelets que j'ai créé: Please see the last necklaces I have created: Details: Ces colliers sont a vendre, ou si vous habitez l'Angleterre vous pourrez les trouver a French Effect, Castle Road, Southsea, Portsmouth. These...
Art and Stuff