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Art and Stuff
cupcake stands
8 juin 2011

Cake stands and more cupcake stands...

Cake stands and more cupcake stands...
Et oui! Cake stands: Cupcake/cake stands: So what's the verdict?
7 juin 2011

Vintage or modern?

Vintage or modern?
Another two cupcake stands: So tell me, what do you prefer? Vintage or modern? I need feedback, so that i can continue or stop there!! ;o)
6 juin 2011

The creation continues...

The creation continues...
Hello guys!!! I am going for a fair in London on the 18th June 2011 and I have decided that I will make some French Patisserie which could sell very well! And for that I have made my self some cake stands which I am very excited about!!! Je vais faire...
Art and Stuff