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Art and Stuff

1 avril 2011

New line of necklaces

New line of necklaces
I have also created a new line of necklaces: Please let me know what you think:
1 avril 2011

Charlotofraiz News

Charlotofraiz News
Hello everyone! After some troubles with my camera (which is having a break!!!) I finally managed to take pictures (not great I'm afraid) of my new projects: These are commissions I have made for a friend of mine and I am definitively going to make more!!!!...
17 mars 2011

My new thing!

My new thing!
Oh I found a nice idea! Look at it, it is quite self explanatory: Sympas hein?
12 mars 2011

New stuffs

New stuffs
Hello! This is two examples of my latest necklaces: Bonjour, Voila deux exemples de mes derniers colliers: They are £15 each. Ce qui fait €20 environ par collier.
12 mars 2011


Bonjour tout le monde! J'ai tenté de vendre mes colliers et bracelet hier aux commercants de Portsmouth. Etant la premiere fois pour moi, j'ai demandé autant de conseils que possible: Resultats: etant donné l'etat economique du pays en ce moment je ne...
7 mars 2011

Silver spoon - How could I not?

Silver spoon - How could I not?
How could I not? Isn't it a phrase that resumes a way of life? A way to accept the choices that you have made in your life and allow you to take on any opportunity that arises in your future. I am afraid I cannot translate this into French! This one is...
7 mars 2011

Mes colliers en tissu

Mes colliers en tissu
Voila les derniers colliers et bracelets que j'ai créé: Please see the last necklaces I have created: Details: Ces colliers sont a vendre, ou si vous habitez l'Angleterre vous pourrez les trouver a French Effect, Castle Road, Southsea, Portsmouth. These...
7 mars 2011

Hello hello!

Bonjour, Finally I have decided to create a blog where I can advertise and sell my products. To introduce myself, my name is Marie, I am French and have been living in England for nearly 12 years. I have completed a Restoration and Decorative studies...
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Art and Stuff